Asset 3
My mother separated with my father and my father moved on leaving me with my mother and my other 4 siblings in a temporary house. My mother worked so hard to finish the small house in which we live now. Time came when she could not manage to pay for materials like books to use at school. This forced me to drop out of school just after two years. I started helping people of my village with domestic work to get some money to help at home with basic needs. In May 2022 when the director of Marjo visited our village, he found me doing work at one of the homes. When he heard my story, he visited our home and asked my mother to let me join the school he was going to open up in our village. He said I was going to study for free. I was very happy and I started school again. I am now in primary one and I hope to continue with studies until I achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. I thank Marjo Children's Foundation for taking me back to school.
BETTY EMOIT: Teacher and Care Giver
I am Betty and I teach baby class and middle class(ages 3-4) at Marjo Nursery and Primary School. I had stayed home for over four years trying to do casual work in our village in order to raise my two children after being abandoned by my former husband. A friend of my told me that Marjo Children's Foundation was looking for care givers and teachers. When I approached them and told them my status, I was offered a job much as I was not a qualified teacher. My two children were also give full bursaries at the school. I have learnt a lot on the job through the training sessions we are given and I am now planning to go for upgrading next year-2024, so that I can become a qualified teacher. I thank Marjo for giving me the opportunity to work and for allowing my children get free education.
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MAWANDA DENNIS: 12 years, Primary Three
My name is Mawanda Dennis and I am in primary three at Marjo Nursery and Primary School. I was attacked by a sickness some years back and I became lame when I was in primary three. I dropped out of school because the distance to the nearby school was too long for me to travel on a wheel chair. Even when I could go to school, it was very difficult for me to attend because there was no one to help me with going to the toilet and getting me food from home. In 2023, my mother told the director of Marjo school my challenges. The director visited our home and later told me to join school on bursary. I am happy to be in school and getting all the support and help in need from the teachers and my fellow children. Since the school is in our village, moving to and from school is very easy for me. I thank Marjo Children's Foundation for bringing this school to our village and helping children like me attend school.
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